'The annoying customer'
Name: ______________________________ Teacher: ____________________
Date: _______________________________ Modality: ___________________
CRITERIA Score 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark 0 marks Pronunciation The student pronounces all or most words correctly. The student makes an effort to pronounce most words correctly, but sometimes fails to. The student pays little attention to how words are pronounced. Frequent pronounciation mistakes. The students makes no effort to pronounce words correctly. All the sounds belong to his/her mother tongue. ______ Fluency The student speaks without interruptions and uses the correct pitch for each type of question. The student sometimes stumbles when speaking. The pitch may not always be the right one. The student stumbles when speaking and makes pitch mistakes. The student stumbles too often, making it difficult to follow the conversation. There are pitch mistakes. ______ Performance The student performs his/her role as if in an authentic situation. Body language plays an important part. The student performs his/her role, but is not convincing enough. Some body language. The student does not perform his/her role. Little body language accompanying the dialogue. The student does not perform his/her role. No body language. The text is delivered in a monotone voice. ______ Improvisation The student reacts quickly to new information without any kind of help from anyone. The student reacts to new information, but it takes some time. He/she may need to ask the teacher or other students for help, but in English. The student needs a lot of time to react to new information. He/she may ask the teacher or other students for help in his/her own language. The student does not react to new information. ______ Vocabulary and expressions The student uses the appropriate vocabulary and expressions thoroughly or most of the times. The student uses the appropriate vocabulary and expressions most of the time. There may be interferences form his/her mother tongue. The students shows poor control of the appropriate vocabulary and expressions. There are interferences from his /her mother tongue and may use one word in his/her mother tongue. The student shows no effort to use the appropriate vocabulary nor expressions. He/she uses his/her mother tongue. ______ Grammar The students makes few or no grammatical mistakes. The student makes some grammatical mistakes. The student makes many grammatical mistakes, but not affecting the basics of the language (wrong past participle, wrong past tense, no –s in the present…). The student makes many basic grammatical mistakes (no subjects, no auxiliaries, no tenses…) ______ TOTAL __/18